UPCAT thoughts

August 2, 2008

Traffic at six o’clock in the morning, kamusta. :-h

~ I don’t wanna say much about it, especially my opinion on the content. I’d rather keep it to myself, for fear of bad karma in the future. Whether anything is easy or hard, it’s all a matter of perception anyway. HUHUHU SO HARD.

~ I prayed to the Lord for wisdom and discernment, and the calmness of mind to act accordingly throughout the test. I told Him, I don’t want to replay the test over and over in my mind, playing out what I could’ve done better. I guess you could call me around 90% satisfied with my performance during the exam. I kinda buckled twice, in the middle part of Math and towards the end of Reading Comprehension, but I forgave myself. It was inevitable for me to crumble during Math, and I luckily found the strength to pull myself together to finish the Reading Comprehension to the best of my abilities despite the given circumstances.

~ I can’t help but hope that the mock UPCAT really is a notch higher and as predictive as Sir Joel said it was. I got good stats for my mock UPCAT, good enough, so hopefully I learned from it and took its lessons to the actual UPCAT.

~ I don’t want to be one of the people who took the UPCAT just to say that they passed it. I used to be, but that’s really so selfish. I took the UPCAT because I want to go to UP, be it Business Economics or Creative Writing. Should I pass the UPCAT, I will take it as a sign that the slot in either course was really meant for me, and I will fight for it even if I pass the ACET or the DLSUCET. If not, then that just means that there’s someone more deserving than me, someone whose odds are more favorable for UP than my own.

~ Despite my viewpoint stated above, I do not want to receive a letter of rejection in the mail. Who does, anyway? I’d rather a screencap of doom from http://upcat.up.edu.ph/ instead. .____.

~ Right after the UPCAT, I drowned my sorrows in Pancake House. Baby back ribs, banana pancakes and an extra thick strawberry milkshake. Nyuuu. @.@

~ I took a nap at 3pm, and I woke up barely half an hour ago. Entrance tests are so draining. @.@

~ But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (Mt. 6:33)


July 26, 2008

& I finally submitted my Ateneo essay, satisfied with its content. I posted it on my DevArt and Multiply. Here‘s the link to the former, for reference.

& The last day of First Aid Training is tomorrow. It’s all exams and practicals. If we don’t pass, we have to repeat the course. T___T I have to study bandaging more than the rest. And remember to let my elbows touch the floor during CPR.

& The UPCAT is in a week, and I feel so unprepared. One part is screaming for me to cram, the other’s feeling disincentivized because I won’t pass anyway. :| My mock UPCAT is on Sunday, from 8am to 12nn. I’m just going to read up on Science and review certain Math formulas. I wanna see how far I can go on stock knowledge, which is really the point of the entrance test.

& I was so out of it during Economics class. The heat was making me fall asleep. Good luck to me in college. :| Unless I go to DLSU. XD

& I received a letter today. It was addressed to my parents but it was only stapled closed so it wasn’t confidential. I peeked inside and chuckled. Math remedials, haller. :-h So bad at numbers, so very bad at numbers. In ten sessions, I’m expected to catch up. Game, let’s do this.

& I wonder if I have to take remedials for CSDC. I still don’t have vigilancia duties, and it’s been around two weeks since we started. :\ I don’t think I did that bad in my practicals. Did I? :| I got to cite the handbook and the implementing guidelines once, and I even got the number of reports question right. So, idk. I don’t want to take remedials since I have Math to think of and stuff, but I will if I have to. Sigh.

& I wanna work in advertising and marketing.