
I’m feelin’ it crashing over my like large, lazy waves. Emphasis on lazy.

With the UPCAT already over and my ACET forms already in Ateneo, it’s as if I could care less about the rest. I didn’t submit a form to UST anymore, and my DLSU and UA&P forms are still pristine and blank. I seem like I’m dead set to go for DLSU, but really, I just want to go to college. Emphasis on I just want to go to college.

These days, it’s been sabpag this and sabpag that. Sabayang Pagbigkas, and miraculously, I’m at the forefront of its development. :O Alexa, Raizel and I have been zipping around in preparation of this. Plotting out our practice schedules and agendas for those practices, it’s as if the poem grows longer and longer and longer. ._______. I’m the worst at memorization, so more points of pressure on me to be a good example. Durgh.

I have an Economics session test tomorrow. It’s two sessions combined, so it’s everything about Supply&Demand and Elasticity. I’m more or less well-versed here already, I just have to memorize the four standard thingies on the shifting of graphs and the formula for computing this thing that I have to remember. I sound like such a failure, but whatever. >___< Other than that, I’m pretty much dandy. I should be worried, I think. Or at least not so lax. After all, Economics is prevalent in my course choices. Which is weird, because I’m me. :|

The weeks ahead are going to prove challenging, and I really pray for the physical strength to get by. I’ve been having these wicked stomach pains since Sunday. It usually starts out with intense hunger, where my heart begins to race and I begin to tremble. Getting to sustenance is often an ordeal. Once I get my shaking hands on some food, I eat as if I were starved for an indefinite period of time. I just stuff it down my throat, barely enjoying the taste, just to get food in my stomach. My stomach aches after that, but I guess it’s because of how fast I ate? The strange thing is, after less than an hour, the hunger pangs begin to act up again. Sometimes I can’t help but sleep it off, it’s a sharp pain that extends up to my throat. When I get home, the same thing happens again. Late at night, I have to get up for a crap. A stinky crap. And then I sleep a tired sleep and I wake up tired and well, it’s really the same thing. I was talking to Bel (Hi, Bel. :-h) about it, and she thinks it’s a worm. That sounds plausible, but I really don’t have time to get it checked out. It’ll cause unnecessary stress for everyone – my eternally paranoid grandmother, most especially – and take precious time out of my schedule. I just hope this comes to pass soon enough. I can’t get sick(er).

A big huhuhuhuu at my life right now. Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu. T_______T

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